Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What I Learned on My Summer Vacation

The last 5 months have been a time of serious learning in my life.  I never would have chosen to go through the experience of losing my job of 26 years.   I shook me to the very core of my being, and caused me many night of sleeplessness, and days of anxiety.   It reminded me that sometimes we have to get into the mode of getting my day-by-day – or maybe we should just always do our best to stay there.

  1. You will rapidly find out who your real friends / true supporters are.  Some of them will reassure you.  Some of them will surprise you.   Remember this in the days ahead
  2. It’s never either as bad or as good as it seems.  Somehow you need to find perspective to stay on an even keel, and keep moving.
  3. God has a huge sense of humor, and will share it with you from time to time.  You need to keep yours as well.
  4. Networking is something you can never do enough – in fact I know this is something I will have to take a personal leadership role in, and engage others I know are leaders.
  5. Taking care of yourself is not optional – you cannot take care of anyone else until you take care of yourself.
  6. It’s not all about you, even if it affects you.   There are bigger reasons things happen.   Many of them are out of your control.   Finding ones that are about you is a gift, because you can do something about them.
  7. Forgiveness and letting go are as difficult as they are crucial.  Being the better person is not immediately satisfying, but it is essential to moving on.
  8. With credit to the Boy Scouts of my youth, Be Prepared.   Keep your resume updated, build your network, and move when your gut tells you there is trouble afoot.   Know when the impossible may strike.
  9. Keep the faith.   Trust the Lord however you believe.  Keep your eyes open for the signs and openings.   Live as you believe and become your best self.
  10. Help others along the way however you can.  Yes take care of yourself first.  And then pay it forward.

God bless everyone I know who has had to, is walking, or who will walk this path.  Take all that you know and apply it to the problem at hand.  It will serve you well.

* The picture is from the Kona Brewing Company's Kona Pub & Brewery, which is reachable by a scenic 90 minute drive from beautiful Hale Lezarde