One of the elementary learnings on my spiritual journey is
that God is love. Lifetimes have been
transformed, classical books written, and civilizations changed because of that
fact. Nothing can be created without
love in some form bringing its energy to the process. When we are strong and filled with love, we
can be strong in faith and make even the most difficult choices with grace.
Starting out, I would have told you that the opposite of
love is hate. But hatred is an active
choice, made because of a more fundamental force. Expressions of hatred almost always trace
themselves back to fear. One of the
great spiritual teachers once put it this way:
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to
hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Although
he never existed in the flesh, Master Yoda’s teaching could come right from any
pulpit. People act and react because of
fear. Fear cuts us off from the spirit
and from one another. It is in fact the
opposite of love.
I woke this morning in fear, which surprised me greatly as
that hasn’t really happened in many years.
Anger, yes, frustration, crying out to God in the shower for relief from
some problem in my life (generally self-created). On some days I am that
frustrated. But fundamental fear has not
crept into me, in a big way, since the days of my divorce. It’s been over for more than 10 years now
(including custody battles), and really, pretty much a feature of the past for
about 15, when it comes to obsessive fear.
I knew those days well, when the world was heavy, when hope had faded,
when the reality was I had no rational expectation that tomorrow would bring
any relief of the problems I faced today.
“There are good days
and bad days” is a mantra one hears in many suffering situations, whether it be
Alzheimer’s or cancer, recovery from addiction or mental illness, loss of a
loved one, failure of a relationship, or a crisis of career. The good days can bring growth, insight, and
understanding – excitement by contrast. Good days looks forward – bad days look
back, and they look like they are never going to end. Ground
Hog Day is another great spiritual icon, a story of a man trapped in time
until he accomplishes growth. This
morning I woke up and except for Sonny and Cher on the radio, it might as well
have been Ground Hog Day again – cold and dark, with a winter that is never
going to end.
Fear, anger, resentment, and the entire suite of self-doubt
it entails seem intractable and inescapable at the same time. Together all that is inside cries out for
release from the torment. The mind
offers up solutions in the form of quick fixes and identifies targets for
elimination. Pride screams: “I am better
than this. I don’t deserve this. How can this be happening? Why?”
Statements are made to God and to self, in themselves serving no
purpose, for fear cannot create, it can only destroy, whether it be self, life,
property, businesses, relationships, dreams, or people. Knowledge of the darkness is important for it
can allow us to see the light. But to
live, we must always go to the light.
Jesus knew where he was going in the garden the night before
he died. They say he sweated blood,
that he prayed that “this cup pass me by”, but submitted to the will of God and
embraced his fate. He’d seen miracles,
wrought them by his own hand. He was
transfigured before his friends. The
heavens opened to proclaim his birth and baptism. To those to whom much is given, much is also
expected. He knew all that and yet fear
of the singularity of death drove him to the point of madness. How weak then am I standing before this, and
really all the other points of “courage” confronting me in my life? Get up and dry the tears and thank God for
all the blessings in my life. There’s no
cross waiting for me out in the back forty.
I’ll skip all the theology in that. My career is not (yet?) as a writer so I’ll
save that for when people are paying for my books and blogs. I’ll let the love in and let it transform
me. I will go towards the light and look
for the best outcomes. Instead of
paying back, I will pay forward. Some
days we can keep our fears at bay. Some
days we have to overcome them. But
always we must find our strength in the Spirit, and in the love which surrounds
our life. Only then can we create the
reality we are called to live.
Only that
way can we create the world to come.
*Todays picture is from the National Weather Service - it is in fact the last Advisory map before Hurricane Iselle change the face of my beloved Orchid Isle forever.
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